Why use Design Thinking?

Why use Design Thinking?
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In any company, innovative ideas are valued, people capable of solving complex problems and proposing solutions that provide value. For this, it is key to have an approach oriented to the analysis and detection of problems to be able to solve but, in most cases problems arise on how to address the solution to these complex problems that allow raising the results of any organization to the next level.

It is in these scenarios where product design and innovation emerge as fundamental disciplines in the search for creative and effective solutions to complex problems and, both are based on the design thinking as a methodology (and almost philosophy) that helps them to buildcreative solutions that provide value and return results to the company.

You are already the CEO of a multinational, a new entrepreneur or a collaborator within your company I invite you to learn through this post why the design thinking will help you, from its approach oriented to the solution of complex problems, to raise theResults in everything that you propose.

Empathize with users

Design Thinking is a methodology that could be considered rather humanistic since, one of its main characteristics is that it focuses on finding real solutions for people.

Through Design Thinking you will be able to understand the real problems that people find in order to empathize with them, understand their needs, desires and limitations and be able to provide solutions to those problems.

For this, the Design Thinking is based on direct observation, the analysis and the conception of solutions that make the products or services not simply relevant but that, being so focused on the end user, an emotional connection is created with these productssince customers feel understood and valued when making use of these products and services.

As a personal note I will tell you that, this capacity for observation, empathy and analysis provided by Design Thinking is not only useful to create new products and services. Think about it, do not we do not like to empathize with us to feel understood? In my years of professional career I have applied this methodology not only to create products and services but to be able to contribute value to my bosses, directors, colleagues and collaborators. I invite you to think about it and put this methodology into practice in your day to day and you will see how, the dynamics of everything that surrounds you change while your professional value goes up.

It promotes creativity and innovation

One of the great advantages of Design Thinking is its ability to promote creativity and innovation in any area in which it is applied. Together with the previous point, one is aware that he is on the right way to this methodology when he begins to obtain more simple and creative solutions to complex problems.

When the level of empathy with your users is high devanas your brains to find solutions to their problems and this strengths you, irremediably, to think outside the box, to explore new solutions and points of view that address the real problems of your users.

All those ideas that arise in the process irremediably push you to the innovation of your company's products and services, improve the processes of your organization or help you create new businesses if what you are doing is to undertake and are, all theseInnovative ideas that provide value and make a difference in the market.

The occasions in which people convey that they "are not creative people" are innumerable to which I usually answer . . . "Let me have a conversation, ask you a few questions and you will see how you become creative. "

Helps solve complex problems

In product design and, in companies and organizations in general, the problems that we find are rarely easy to solve. They often require a fairly conscientious analysis, a deep understanding from different points of view and an approach of solutions that, however creative they do not have to stop being simple.

In this sense, Design Thinking is a good ally when addressing these complex problems. There are many techniques in this methodology that help decompose complex problems in much more basic and simple components to analyze. This methodology helps to order the problems, prioritize them, give them a meaning, discard what is not relevant and be able to communicate everything in an effective way.

Each of these techniques would give for several posts but, if you had to highlight one to synthesize all of them, it would say that it is the ability to communicate complex problems in a synthesized way. I am not going to extend much in this but, after all the analysis, you need to feel to try to describe the problems in a phrase that synthesizes all the knowledge you have acquired, and write it. In this way you will understand in a simpler way the entire dimension of the problem and you can go to the phase of trying to find solutions to it.

Adapted to many contexts

Design Thinking is not a rigid process;On the contrary, it is flexible and can adapt to different contexts and needs. There is the false belief that this type of methodologies are only applicable to technological businesses or large companies and organizations. Not at all, any business, from the bakery in your neighborhood to the great multinational that comes to mind lives by and for its users. Any company has internal processes that can be improved and much more efficient thanks to the detection of problems and the approach of innovative ideas that involve significant improvements that provide value.

This methodology has the ability to adjust to different contexts and situations and, the people who apply it are capable of understanding the surrounding environment to pivot and take the most timely direction in each moment in the face of being able to build value and continue to becompetitive in each of the circumstances in which it is applied.

Design Thinking is a safe bet to solve problems and build value

If you are considering how to solve complex problems and build value? You can observe that Design Thinking is a powerful and versatile methodology that can benefit any person, equipment, company or organization that is focused on product design and innovation.

His humanistic approach in the detection of complex problems and focus on creativity to solve them makes it a fundamental tool when creating products that really provide value and mark the difference.

In addition, the versatility of this methodology allows youcompanies.

There are few people or organizations whose problems innovate are given by that thought that they do not have the ability to be creative and innovate and, honestly, these types of thoughts usually come given because they do not know the methodologies and tools that allow them to be and,It is here, where design thinking is a good methodology to demonstrate to you or your company that creativity and innovation is not dedicated to a few chosen but that it is something that is possible for anyone who has the ambition and desire toimprove things and provide value.

What is needed to be innovative?

David Muñoz Guardia
David Muñoz
Expert in Product Design and Innovation with over 20 years of experience, applying Design Thinking and creativity to achieve business results.

Let's develop your innovative potential together and grow your business.